Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What I learned today

Today, I learned that when writing something, you have to figure out your audience first before you decide what type of writing style you are going to use. If you are writing about how you're mad about something, you have to figure out what you mad about and who is going to fix this problem that you have. One of the examples that was in the book was cigarette companies targeting teens and the poor. You can't write to them because that isn't going to make much of a difference, you have to write to somebody who is going to do something about it, like advertisement companies. The genre for that would be argumentative, if you were to write to teens and the poor, it would be informative because you are trying to help them see what is going on around them specifically. I also learned that after you figured out who you are writing to and your genre, you have to consider your voice. Your attitude and tone of the essay play a big role on whether or not you want people to be persuaded by what you're writing about.

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